Letting go, and being ok with it

Hey Tribe! The one thing that you must learn in this life is detachment. You have to be willing to stand alone. And when I say alone, I mean ALONE. You have to learn to be alone AND ok. You have to come to a point where you understand that this life you're given is yours, and yours ALONE. Family comes and goes, jobs come and go, friends, significant others etc.

Most of the time depression, feelings of sadness, hurt, pain, etc come from things outside of yourself, and because you are unwilling to let them go, it causes these issues.

How many times have you stayed at job that was not fulfilling you? How many times you've stayed in a relationship that was not fulfilling you? How many times have you went somewhere and you KNEW when you left you were going to be pissed ie: a family reunion, a funeral, a cookout? You do that because you don't want to be ALONE. You don't want to be the only one who didn't go, or you stayed with that person because you didn't want to be alone, or you didn't leave that job because you didn't want to be without it fearing you wouldn't get something else.

You are scared of detachment. Sometimes the very thing that we're holding on to is the very thing that's holding us back.

Sometimes there is beauty, strength, peace, joy, relief, happiness, health, wealth in the action of letting go, and being OK with it.

Now not all things need to be let go of, some things just take time to get right, but some shit, need to vibrate away and you need to feel solace in that. You need to feel peace in that.

I bet there were times where you thought you weren't going to make it without that thing, that person, that idea.. and look at you! Still here, still making it, still living, COMPLETELY DETACHED AND OK.


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