New Moon November 2021

Good morning Family! This morning, I want to talk about the New Moon coming up on Nov. 4. This is my favorite new moon because it's in my sign, the sign of Scorpio.. (Where my fellow Scorpios at???!!)

So this New Moon's theme will be transformation and reinvention. This is the moon where you can put things in place to transform yourselves. Be reflective. What transformations have you already been through? What's working? What needs to be reinvented. Every day you wake up is a chance to get it right. Don't be worried about what went wrong, worry about how to make it right. You always have the opportunity to transform into what you want to be. A better mother, father, sister, daughter, brother, husband, wife, friend, etc.

Now Scorpio rules assets and investments. This energy encourages you to get your finances in order. Get life insurance, open or close bank accounts, clean up your automatic debits, cancel those charges from those 30 day trial accounts. This moon falls on a Thursday as well, so that is super energy coming from Jupiter which controls luck, abundance, expansion, and finance. Make sure you are saying your money affirmations on this day, making your abundance waters, and playing money mantras like "ching, ching, ching, money comes to me".

As far as emotions go, you may be moody, but this is also a good time for unpacking. Doing shadow work, releasing feelings of shame and guilt. This is also a good time for bonding with your significant other. Learning to be more vulnerable and open, and scheduling time to be close with one another. Expect deepening relationships and commitments during this phase.

This is the moon I've been waiting for!! You probably have too lol... Enjoy it!


What are affirmations?